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Beware the Dark Side


So the good news is that they didn't break a window to get into our new-to-us 1987 Volvo wagon, which we haven't even owned for two days yet. The bad news is that they stole the faceplate off the radio and our digital camera, which I had forgotten to take out after our excursion to Split Rock Lighthouse to test the new-to-us car out.
I could give a crap about the radio but I want the f-in' camera back, a-holes!


I just walked by your new car, nice.

our volvo got broken into in our garage a couple of weeks ago. They just ransacked and took parking money. I think this summer must be the summer of security!

Sorry you lost your camera.

It really sucks to walk out to your car and find it's been broken into. 2 years ago, I forgot to lock the hatch on my Jeep, and some kids went in, took my stereo and my tools. My renters' insurance would have covered it, but the total loss was like, $20 under my deductible.

The ONLY satisfaction I got out of this is the fact that they stole a stereo that didn't work. That, and I sold the thing 3 weeks later for MORE than I paid for it.

drag ... we should make a map of where all this is taking place … maybe it’s the same folks

my car was broken into this fall and they made off with my prized possession, my Jon Bon Jovi Blaze of Glory Young Guns Two cassette my sister got from a garage sale for 50 cents. I don't know how they live with themselves every day ... blood money

good thing I still have the CD

More like summer of shenanigans.

And by shenanigans, I mean more late-night hillside assaults, more home invasions while occupied, more random damage and theft of property. And swimming.

I myself feel safer knowing Duluth employes a full-time Park Point police officer to protect our virgin beaches from swimmers when it's dark outside and our beaches are sleeping and the most defenseless.

Oh, Lou Diamond Philips, you and your wacky knife wielding ways.

Adam, don't forget that it was the movie which gave peyote street cred. Oh, those wacky brat packers...

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