Tonight, Tamara and I had to stop by the Whole Foods to pick up a few provisions. As we were walking out of the store and to the car right across from the front of the store, an idiot in a Big F-ing Hemi Powered Gas Guzzling Two Lanes Wide Piece Of Sh-t Why The F-ck Do You Drive One Of Those F-ing Things In The City Pickup Trucks turned from Fourth into the lot at a good 20 MPH, fairly narrowly missing Tamara (who, by now is about seven months along and about ready to POP) and I by just a few feet. He parked all by his lonesome on the far end of the lot between the bank and the store.
I could have caught him at the door and beat the piss out of him...but I didn't. Though I did think about it.
I did leave him a note under his windshield wiper that read:
Dear Sir,
While you were speeding through the parking lot here (and inattentively I might add), you nearly hit a pregnant woman.
Have a nice Day.
Lucky for him, I'm somewhat of a pacifist.