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3rd Annual Free Block Party



Vote for the band that you'd most like to see play at Fond-du-Luth Casino's 3rd Annual Free Block Party on Thursday, September 4th.


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Cars and Trucks

the exciting eloise trio

D -
That graphic is grammatically incorrect. Should be We've not We're.
- Mel

I vote Trampled by Turtles. Oh wait they're not on the list. Then I voted for Colin Hay, I guess.

No option for Rick Astley? Forget it.

Four words: "Take me home tonight!"

I would guess that 38 Special or Eddie Money would probably win. But Colin Hay would be cool. His acoustic version of Overkill is classic.

three words:


The "big kids" choose Robert Cray for our dodgeball team

I vote Eddie Money. I saw him at the Head of the Lakes Fair in 1992 (I think) and he did not disappoint!

Beret: I saw that show, too, which is precisely why Eddie Money gets my vote. He was so drunk he could barely stand. He certainly was too drunk to sing. But that didn't keep him from performing, oh no.

Mel -

You're my hero. Here's a blog for you if you haven't already seen it.

Here's another: www.bored.com

I love Eddie Money, he totally rocks! You gotta admire someone who performs even when he's drunk off his ass.

sawyer brown, baby.

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