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Roller Derby?

I heard rumors of a Twin Ports Roller Derby league. Is this concept true, or just some drunken hallucination I had one night?


Oh man oh man oh baby. PDD needs to adopt HCRD as a cause celebre. Keep the info flowin' cause having a roller derby team would just be too cool for words.

To answer your question, Bad Cat!, "yes."

Info from Ginger Snaps (of HCRD):

The league isn't drafted yet. Right now, I am just getting girls (including me) on skates and working on basic skills. Tomorrow night, Friday night, and Saturday night I will be at World of Wheels if you want to stop out!!

I'll be going to the next MN RollerGirls bout Saturday night. The last time I went I remember one of the announcers saying that Duluth should start up a league and my first thought was "hell yeah!"

If Duluth were to host a Harbor City Roller Dames bout and they were to meet a canadian team.

However, Since i've yet to sing the national anthem at a roller derby match.

Maybe I should sing the U.S. and Canadian National Anthems before the match begins?

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