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Stupid Polish Things

bike shorts2.jpg


Should be....dark in color?


I bet Mr. Small Penis (2nd from the left) hasn't been getting a lot of action after the photo was published...

Actually this really isn't an exclusively Polish thing. Teams like CSC (French) and SAECO (Italian) have sported red shorts. In the past and the Spanish team ONCE sported pink gear during the Tour de France.

as a polak, i find the heading of "stupid polish things" offensive.
i'm just kidding, we're all dumb as a bag of hammers.

the logistics of the bike short have never really occurred to me before. do men do this with their penises while wearing other types of garments?

no...but sometimes the penises do this to the men.

i don't know about mens. mine's detachable, and really humongus.

I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.

tonight i was told that the tucking-up isn't deliberate, but just a natural result of the process of putting on tight underpants. i'm not sure if i believe that. i think the tucking-up is a conscious process.

c-freak, everyone knows about your giant portable penis. why don't you post a picture of it (in use, preferably) so you can stop bragging.

as a former bike messenger, I can share that infact the up-tucked position, known in racing circles as "la fusée visée", is a function of seat ergonomics and current team standing during the tour.

baci- speaks the truth.

When I was racing cross country, I found that it also has a lot to do with Comfort...nothing quite as uncomfortable as having your boys boucing around betwixt the choad and an already uncomfortable seat.


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